Thursday 31 January 2013

How to connect a sound card?


Welcome on my next tutorial, today I want to show you how to connect a sound card into our computer. Well sounds complicate but it isn't. On this tutorial you will learn step by step how to plug in sound card on motherboard. Okeey we can start next tutorial from beginning :-) Everything step by step.

First of all we can see how computer looks after when we takes out our sounds card from the motherboard. We must take off the one part of our cover and then take off from slots our sounds card.

This is how our sounds card looks after when we takes it off from our slots on the motherboard.

Well next step when we take card off, our computer will looks pretty similar to these images on the up. We can see the two the same slots where we can put our card, and from which we takes it off.

Now we put our sounds card into one of the slots on the motherboard. Do the same like on the pictures up.

After when we put our sounds card into motherboard, and everything are on correct place we are nearly finished plugged in our card.

And the last things is on the left hand side we can see the screws of each slot, make sure when you plug your sounds card on that the screws are correctly screwed into place. If everything are fine (screws are correctly screwed into place and sounds card are on correctly place) we can take on our cover of computer, and everything should be working fine.

Hope this are helpful for you and I help little by you on this tutorial.
Make sure you follow everything step by step, and you read everything clearly!
Your sounds card should be working fine by doesn't have any problems ;-)

Keep follow my blog for next tutorials ;-)
Hope that with this tutorial you can now plug in into your computer the sounds card, and with my tutorials everything working fine ;-)

Thank you for follow my blog, hope everything is fine ;-)
Don't forget about came back for more tutorials :)

Thank you,

Bit by Bit Computer

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