Friday 11 January 2013

How to connect and set up a monitor?

Hello! ;-)

Today I want to show everyone short tutorial of how to connect monitor to our computer.
Some older people would thing that connect a monitor is so hard and complicate, but it isn't and now I want to explain everything and show that exactly connecting a monitor is no too hard and complicate like someone would thing.  Ok so lets start of the beginning, Step By Step!

VGA blue cable
1. First of all find the free space for the monitor where you want to connect it.
2. Turn your monitor back and look on the cable ports.
AC IN black cable
3. Take blue (VGA) cable and put it to back of the monitor where is four different ports connects.On the back of monitor is written which port is for which cable, and also are four different colours for each cable(every cable have they're own colour). So connect the blue cable with blue ports on the back of the monitor.
4. Take black (AC IN) cable and do the same thing like you do with blue (Put it on the back of the monitor connections on correct places where is a black colour).
5. Now, we must connect the blue (VGA) and black (AC IN) cables to back of our computer. Blue cables are used to transmitting video signals and black one to connecting monitor with computer and computer with contact (this allow computer work).
6. After when we already connect the cables on the back of computer, our monitor will be connect with whole computer by these two cables.
Back of the computer with AC IN cable
7. The last things we must connect the black cables to the contact, but always keep looking that the contact are off. This is so important because when contact are 'on' sometimes can be a short circuit. So look closely!
Back of the monitor already connect
8. If we connect that black cable to contact then we can turn contact 'on', and after that turn our monitor 'on' to see how he works.
You can test it by turning computer 'on' and when the little light in your monitor turn 'on' that means you do everything correctly,  step by step everything the same like on tutorial. :) Don't worry if you do everything like on my tutorial everything should be working fine.

Well now, to set up your monitor you must check that your monitor is in suitable viewing position that means make sure that your monitor is away from strong lighting conditions such as bright sunlight. To set up a colour of your monitor you will have on your monitor little buttons that allows you to change the contrast of your display. So change the contrast on your own. Make the colours that you are happy with.

I hope that everyone now know how to connect and set up the monitor, and my tutorials help a little bit you. ;-)
Cable already connected with contact
 Keep looking on my blog to see more tutorials:)
Back of the computer with VGA cable
Next tutorials came up on Tuesday or Wednesday (15/01/2013-16/01/2013) and will have a short tutorial (pretty similar to this one) about how to connect a keyboard and mouse.

Hope this everything helps, and you come back to my blog watching my other tutorials. ;-)

Don't forget!! ;-)
Thank you for visiting, and hope you come back.. ;)

Bit by Bit Computer

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