Today on my next tutorial I make little explanation about how to correctly install CD-DVD drive into computer. Sounds really complicate but with my tutorial it can be very helpful and useful for people who first time do this or don't know how to connect CD-DVD drive into computer. Well connect CD-DVD drive is work on about 20 minutes, sounds no real?? If you will follow my tutorial it can be real!! but you must do everything step by step like on my tutorial. So we are ready, and we can now start of the beginning ;-)
This is our CD-DVD drive what is already takes out from computer. First step what you need to do is find the area space to put your computer and all pieces what you will need.
After when you find some free space to put your computer and every pieces, your computer will be look the same like on this pictures of the computer after when you takes out your CD-DVD drive.
Now find the cables that you will need to connect with your drive. There are black cable ' connector ' and white cable that you must have when you want to connect your drive with rest of your computer.
Okey so next step is put your CD-DVD drive into computer and little by 'push' but remember don't push it too strong!! just push it little by (follow the pictures).
After when you push your CD-DVD drive your computer will be look similar to this computer on pictures.
After when you pushed your CD-DVD drive look on cables that are connected with motherboard. You will see white and black connector that you must have to plug in drive with motherboard.

This black connector will be connect with drive the same like on pictures behind. Connect these two cables on CD-DVD drive and then connect it with motherboard by using the same cables.

Hope this helps you and you now can connect your CD-DVD drive into computer and can use it with doesn't have any problems on it.. :)
Thank you
Bit by Bit Computer
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